Modernisation and Upgrade of the buildings of Goulandri Museum of Natural History
Country: Greece
Location: Kifissia, Athens
Duration: 08/04/2021 – ongoing
The overall goal of the project is the energy renovation of the Goulandris Natural History Museum, which includes two connected buildings:
- the Natural History Museum (~1,940 sq. m) and
- the Centre for Environmental Research and Education “GAIA” (~5,050 sq. m),
through energy efficiency and RES interventions, as presented below:
- roof/shell insulation
- replacement of heating, cooling and air conditioning system
- replacement of lighting systems
- Installation of a new Building energy Management System (BEMS)
- Installation of electric vehicle chargers
- Installation of RES systems (PV, solar and geothermal system)
The project is funded by the Operational Program “Transport Infrastructure, Environment and Sustainable Development”, under the Greece-EU programme for development “National Strategic Reference Framework (NSRF) 2014-2020”, with a total budget of 1.885.574,00 €.
In this context, the main objective of this assignment is to provide Technical Assistance (TA) to the Goulandris Natural History Museum for the above interventions, through the implementation of specific services.
The project will improve the sustainability and thermal conditions (heating and cooling) of buildings, where daily visits of citizens take place. Over time, there will also be significant cost savings and significant environmental benefits, such as reducing CO2 emissions.
View roof_1
View roof_2
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